BICseq2 Mappability File

BICseq2-norm makes use of a unique mappability file to aid in the process of normalizing the raw coverage data presented in the seq files. This mappability file must be generated for each library size (e.g., 150 bp) given that unique mappability will vary with read length. A 100 bp read might not map uniquely at a given position, but a 150 bp read starting from the same position might map uniquely given 50 additional bases at the end.

The current mappability file was generated for 150 bp reads using a custom workflow, as follows:

  1. The file chromosomes.txt was created with only the 23 chromosomes from hg38/GRCh38 (e.g., chr1, chr2 … chr22, chrX, chrY; each on their own line). These regions were extracted from our hg38/GRCh38 reference genome GAPFIXRDPDK5.fa to generate hg38_main_chrs.fa and a fasta index file was generated for this output.

for file in $(cat chromosomes.txt); do samtools faidx GAPFIXRDPDK5.fa $file >> hg38_main_chrs.fa; done
samtools faidx hg38_main_chrs.fa
  1. Using an archived version of GEMTools (v 1.7.1-i3) distributed in the github repo below, the initial mappability file was generated and converted to wig format:

git clone
cd GenerateMappability
cd ..

export PATH=${SoftwareDir}/gemtools-1.7.1-i3/bin/:$PATH

gem-indexer -T 16 -c dna -i hg38_main_chrs.fa -o hg38_main_chr_index
gem-mappability -T 16 -I hg38_main_chr_index.gem -l 150 -o hg38_full_mappability_150
gem-2-wig -I hg38_main_chr_index.gem -i hg38_full_mappability_150.mappability -o hg38_full_mappability_150
  1. This wig mappability file must next be converted to a bed file through a series of conversion steps using tools available from UCSC:

./wigToBigWig hg38_full_mappability_150.wig hg38_full_mappability_150.sizes
./bigWigToBedGraph  hg38_full_mappability_150.bedGraph
./bedGraphTobed hg38_full_mappability_150.bedGraph hg38_full_mappability_150.bed 1
  1. After testing this mappability file, we determined that repetitive regions at the centromeres were causing large numbers of artefactual CNVs. BICseq2 had been optimized previously for hg19/GRCh37 with mappability files that excluded the centromeres, so we decided to also exclude the centromeric regions from our hg38/GRCh38 mappability file. The centromeres for hg38/GRCh38 were pulled from UCSC as follows:

  1. Navigate to

  2. Under assembly, select Dec. 2013 (GRCh38/hg38)

  3. Under group, select Mapping and Sequencing

  4. Under track, select Chromosome Band (Ideogram)

  5. Under filter, select create

  6. Under gieStain, select does match, and type acen in the text box, then select submit

  7. Under output format, select BED - browser extensible data

  8. Select get output

  9. Select get BED

  1. This bed file was saved as centromeres.bed and subtracted from the existing mappability file:

bedtools subtract -a hg38_full_mappability_150.bed -b centromeres.bed > hg38_full_mappability_150_no_centromeres.bed
  1. Finally, the bed file was parsed to generate a single mappability file for each chromosome in the format required by BICseq2-norm:

for file in $(cat chromosomes.txt); do echo $file; grep -P ${file}'\t' hg38_full_mappability_150_no_centromeres.bed | awk -v OFS='\t' '{print $2, $3}' > full_mappability_hg38_150_no_centromeres/${file}_mappability; done